Meagan Musseau

becomes body of water interwoven with territories beyond the sky

A short film created from a land-based action.

In her sculptural works, Meagan explores a history of interterritorial relationships between Mi’kmaq and Beothuk nations on Ktaqmkuk territory as a way to enact Indigenous survivance. This piece is a short film created from a land-based action by Meagan Musseau in her home region of Elmastukwek, Ktaqmkuk territory (Bay of Islands, western NL), September 2019.

Musseau patiently braids long strands of grey fabric and neon green tulle. The strands are tied to rocks and buried in the ground. She activates the strands within the landscape—braiding the past and present while moving towards a future. This is an embodied practice. Interweaving movement and endurance within the environment to generate an ephemeral expression. Imagining the deeper relationship that our presence on the land has with the cosmos.


Saturday, September 23, 2023


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About Meagan Musseau

Meagan Musseau is a L’nu woman, artist, and dancer from Elmastukwek, Ktaqmkuk territory (Bay of Islands, Newfoundland). Musseau nourishes an interdisciplinary arts practice through work with customary art forms and new media, such as basketry, beadwork, land-based performance, video and installation. Musseau’s practice is rooted by her body in relation to the land and water, and she utilizes natural and synthetic materials as a way to explore endurance, collaboration, language and storytelling. Her artworks exhibit regionally and nationally, and have recently hit an international platform at the North Atlantic Triennale traveling to Maine, Iceland, and Sweden.

In 2022, Musseau designed an artist video project and curated a group exhibition titled, Heart of the Root, which features five Indigenous artists from Newfoundland and Labrador for First Light St. John’s Friendship Centre. She actively participates in artist residencies and has performed at Spirit Song Festival, Bonavista Biennale, and in landscapes across Turtle Island. Over the past ten years of dedication to building a professional arts practice, Musseau was long-listed for the Sobey Art Award (2021) and a recipient of the Atlantic Canadian Emerging Artist Award, Hnatyshyn Foundation (2018).