
lost & found: shadow self

Can a shadow be more than the absence of light?

“lost & found: shadow self” incorporates found object sculpture and projected light. The sculptures take the form of mobiles created from garbage collected during years of work and recreation in the bush. The installation offers multiple levels of interaction: simple enjoyment of the visual aspects, feeling the textures, examining the shadows, or playing amongst the light to create different shadow forms.

On a conceptual level, the installation provides an opportunity for contemplation of the consequences stemming from backcountry recreational activities in pristine natural landscapes of unceded First Nations territories in so-called British Columbia. Alternatively, visitors can choose to observe their own shadows and contemplate what it means to be alive.


Saturday, September 23, 2023

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About Baberaid

Jas Clancy (baberaid) is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist, delves into the uncharted territories of the human experience. With a preference for the exploration of the darker, often taboo subjects, they fearlessly confront the shadows that reside within us all.

In the last several years baberaid has been creating installation art, typically made of found objects and the interation of projected light and ambient sound.

Through their art, baberaid seeks to illuminate the hidden corners of our shared humanity, sparking conversations that often remain unspoken.