Fusion is a unique melding of artistic genres: the collaboration of world-renowned composer and kora virtuoso Tunde Jegede, Cree hoop-dancer and musician Jessica McMann and international classical violinist Daniel Bhattacharya combine for a unique partnership of music and dance.
Hey LUNAtics! We're thrilled to introduce you to an absolute game-changer for this year's festival – the Woov app. Get ready to take your festival experience to new heights with this digital companion designed to make your LUNA Fest journey unforgettable, all while embracing sustainability.
World-renowned composer and Kora Virtuoso Tunde Jegede, Cree hoop-dancer and musician Jessica McMann and international classical violinist Daniel Bhattacharya combine for a unique collaboration.
Oktopus is a major presence on the Canadian world music scene, primarily devoted to klezmer and distinguished by a novel approach that incorporates various components of the classical and Quebecois repertoire, with some jazz and Balkan accents.