The Impossible Has Already Happened


Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre
Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre
1007 Vernon Avenue, Revelstoke, BC

Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre is a presenting venue with an evolving program of artistically excellent cultural events. Its aim is to offer a varied line-up of music, film, theatre and dance for all ages.


November 12 2023


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm



A 60 minute love story to water and our relationships with it, The Impossible Already Happened the Western Canadian tour will include six dancers with narration by performer Tobias Macfarlane as the voice of the water. The piece is a cohesive collection of many different personal stories that take audiences on a journey that provokes people to consider their own relationship with water and what they are considering doing themselves since…. The Impossible Has Already Happened. This collaboratively created work ponders the ways we survive, the tiny gestures we make like drops in the ocean, and the stories we tell ourselves to go on.

On the tour from New Zealand are the co-creator Claire O’Neil, who will be performing in the piece along with NZ dancer Levi Siaosi. Lighting and sound design have been created by our New Zealand collaborators: Jason Wright’s evocative electronic sound score uses delight as a bridge to look at water traveling from tiny water droplets to the mighty roar of surf and accompanied by Kathleen Nisbet performing live on the fiddle.; and Marcus McShane’s lighting and set design which uses lights made of ice that melt slowly through-out, as the dancers use the skeleton of a hut as a metaphor for home, house, outhouse, shelter, boat. Co-creators Jennifer Mascall and Claire O’Neil have gathered video images with Jason Wright that project freighters barrolling ahead without heed, dream beaches too hot to touch, and an earnest guide providing ridiculous instructions on how to manage climate change.

Potent but not bleak, often humorous, the production plays with scale and the enormity of the climate crisis and the absurd role we as humans play. The dancers themselves become water, flowing around obstacles, merging with the ocean’s never-ending roll.


Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre
Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre
1007 Vernon Avenue, Revelstoke, BC

Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre is a presenting venue with an evolving program of artistically excellent cultural events. Its aim is to offer a varied line-up of music, film, theatre and dance for all ages.


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The Impossible Has Already Happened