Heather Gemmell


Grizzly Plaza Gazebo
Grizzly Plaza Gazebo
111 MacKenzie Ave, Revelstoke, BC, Canada, V0E 2S0


August 17 2023


6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

With a flat brimmed hat, golden locks and a contagious smile – Heather Gemmell brandishes her own distinct style as a mountain artist. She is the winner of the CBC Searchlight 2022 Fan Choice Award for her song NorthStar Burning. A song that captured the hearts of thousands of people across western Canada depicting the heinous arson that crippled her small-town ski hill and local economy.

Her songwriting is gripping at both ends of the emotional spectrum. She couples her songwriting and arrangements with a seemly endless bag of tricks including her diverse instrumentalist ability; what she has become renowned for. Her performance style, stage energy and sheer talent set her apart from many other performing artists.

She has put new meaning to the term one man band. She blends electric stand up lap steel, clawhammer banjo, harmonica, hand built foot percussion and acoustic guitar along with a multi-track loop station to create a truly unique and memorable performance.

Her traditional instruments are blended with a contemporary and elaborate stage plot that can make any musicians head turn at the site of it. She has three full length albums under her belt with songs that tell a diverse plethora of stories that captivate her listeners attention behind every phrase.

The girl who keeps evolving. Heathers powerhouse vocals and multi-talented musicianship is widely known and respected throughout the East-and West Kootenay musical landscape. Performing for over fifteen years, she has captured numerous accolades and is consistently sought after as performing artist. Her dedication and passion for music is evident every time she gets on stage. Her performances are packed what she describes as “Roots & Blues-Grass” Americana fusion.


Grizzly Plaza Gazebo
Grizzly Plaza Gazebo
111 MacKenzie Ave, Revelstoke, BC, Canada, V0E 2S0


Arts Revelstoke

Heather Gemmell