Flamenco Rosario - Dance & Guitar Workshop


Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre
Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre
1007 Vernon Avenue, Revelstoke, BC

Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre is a presenting venue with an evolving program of artistically excellent cultural events. Its aim is to offer a varied line-up of music, film, theatre and dance for all ages.


April 06 2018

Flamenco Rosario present a FREE Dance & Guitar workshop. 

The Experience:

“Rosario was funny, clear, and talented – a great mix for a teacher. The workshop experience was FABULOUS! Great to see some guys out too! I would ABSOLUTELY recommend it to someone else.”– Rana Nelson

“I LOVED it. Learning something new, I love the language of the dance. How it was described as an expression of self. I would 100% recommend it to someone else.” – Noelle Bovon

“I liked learning the secrets of flamenco guitar and dance.” – Bruce Thomas

“I found the workshop was fabulous, enough basic feet, hands, and rhythm to get the idea for me. Found the dance to be therapeutic in exercising my strong feminine side, more or less artfully. Rosario is a wonderful instructor. The dance workshop brought dimension to my experience as an audience member, an emotional connection with the dancer on stage.” – Lynda Hooper


Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre
Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre
1007 Vernon Avenue, Revelstoke, BC

Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre is a presenting venue with an evolving program of artistically excellent cultural events. Its aim is to offer a varied line-up of music, film, theatre and dance for all ages.


Arts Revelstoke

Flamenco Rosario – Dance & Guitar Workshop